HBase is composed of three types of servers in a master slave type of
architecture. Region servers serve data for reads and writes. When accessing
data, clients communicate with HBase RegionServers directly. Region assignment,
DDL (create, delete tables) operations are handled by the HBase Master process.
Zookeeper, which is part of HDFS, maintains a live cluster state.
Hadoop DataNode stores the data that the Region Server is managing. All HBase
data is stored in HDFS files. Region Servers are collocated with the HDFS
DataNodes, which enable data locality (putting the data close to where it is
needed) for the data served by the RegionServers. HBase data is local when it
is written, but when a region is moved, it is not local until compaction.
NameNode maintains metadata information for all the physical data blocks that
comprise the files.
Tables are divided horizontally by row key range into “Regions.” A region
contains all rows in the table between the region’s start key and end key.
Regions are assigned to the nodes in the cluster, called “Region Servers,” and
these serve data for reads and writes. A region server can serve about 1,000
assignment, DDL (create, delete tables) operations are handled by the HBase
master is responsible for:
Coordinating the region
- Assigning regions on startup , re-assigning regions for recovery
or load balancing
- Monitoring all RegionServer instances in the cluster (listens
for notifications from zookeeper)
Admin functions
- Interface for creating, deleting, updating tables
ZooKeeper: The Coordinator
uses ZooKeeper as a distributed coordination service to maintain server state
in the cluster. Zookeeper maintains which servers are alive and available, and
provides server failure notification. Zookeeper uses consensus to guarantee
common shared state. Note that there should be three or five machines for
How the Components Work
is used to coordinate shared state information for members of distributed
systems. Region servers and the active HMaster connect with a session to
ZooKeeper. The ZooKeeper maintains ephemeral nodes for active sessions via
Region Server creates an ephemeral node. The HMaster monitors these nodes to
discover available region servers, and it also monitors these nodes for server
failures. HMasters vie to create an ephemeral node. Zookeeper determines the
first one and uses it to make sure that only one master is active. The active
HMaster sends heartbeats to Zookeeper, and the inactive HMaster listens for
notifications of the active HMaster failure.
a region server or the active HMaster fails to send a heartbeat, the session is
expired and the corresponding ephemeral node is deleted. Listeners for updates
will be notified of the deleted nodes. The active HMaster listens for region
servers, and will recover region servers on failure. The Inactive HMaster
listens for active HMaster failure, and if an active HMaster fails, the
inactive HMaster becomes active.
HBase First Read or Write
is a special HBase Catalog table called the META table, which holds the
location of the regions in the cluster. ZooKeeper stores the location of the
META table.
is what happens the first time a client reads or writes to HBase:
The client gets the
Region server that hosts the META table from ZooKeeper.
The client will query
the .META. server to get the region server corresponding to the row key it
wants to access. The client caches this information along with the META table
It will get the Row from
the corresponding Region Server.
future reads, the client uses the cache to retrieve the META location and
previously read row keys. Over time, it does not need to query the META table,
unless there is a miss because a region has moved; then it will re-query and
update the cache.
HBase Meta Table
This META table is an
HBase table that keeps a list of all regions in the system.
The .META. table is like
a b tree.
The .META. table
structure is as follows:
- Key: region start key,region id
- Values: RegionServer
Region Server Components
Region Server runs on an HDFS data node and has the following components:
WAL: Write Ahead Log is
a file on the distributed file system. The WAL is used to store new data that
hasn't yet been persisted to permanent storage; it is used for recovery in the
case of failure.
BlockCache: is the read
cache. It stores frequently read data in memory. Least Recently Used data is
evicted when full.
MemStore: is the write
cache. It stores new data which has not yet been written to disk. It is sorted
before writing to disk. There is one MemStore per column family per region.
Hfiles store the rows as
sorted KeyValues on disk.
HBase Write Steps (1)
the client issues a Put request, the first step is to write the data to the
write-ahead log, the WAL:
- Edits are appended to the end of the WAL file that is stored on
- The WAL is used to recover not-yet-persisted data in case a
server crashes.
Write Steps (2)
the data is written to the WAL, it is placed in the MemStore. Then, the put
request acknowledgement returns to the client.
MemStore stores updates in memory as sorted KeyValues, the same as it would be
stored in an HFile. There is one MemStore per column family. The updates are
sorted per column family.
Region Flush
the MemStore accumulates enough data, the entire sorted set is written to a new
HFile in HDFS. HBase uses multiple HFiles per column family, which contain the
actual cells, or KeyValue instances. These files are created over time as
KeyValue edits sorted in the MemStores are flushed as files to disk.
that this is one reason why there is a limit to the number of column families
in HBase. There is one MemStore per CF; when one is full, they all flush. It
also saves the last written sequence number so the system knows what was
persisted so far.
highest sequence number is stored as a meta field in each HFile, to reflect
where persisting has ended and where to continue. On region startup, the
sequence number is read, and the highest is used as the sequence number for new
is stored in an HFile which contains sorted key/values. When the MemStore
accumulates enough data, the entire sorted KeyValue set is written to a new
HFile in HDFS. This is a sequential write. It is very fast, as it avoids moving
the disk drive head.
HFile Structure
HFile contains a multi-layered index which allows HBase to seek to the data
without having to read the whole file. The multi-level index is like a b+tree:
Key value pairs are
stored in increasing order
Indexes point by row key
to the key value data in 64KB “blocks”
Each block has its own
The last key of each
block is put in the intermediate index
The root index points to
the intermediate index
trailer points to the meta blocks, and is written at the end of persisting the
data to the file. The trailer also has information like bloom filters and time
range info. Bloom filters help to skip files that do not contain a certain row
key. The time range info is useful for skipping the file if it is not in the
time range the read is looking for.
index, which we just discussed, is loaded when the HFile is opened and kept in
memory. This allows lookups to be performed with a single disk seek.
Read Merge
have seen that the KeyValue cells corresponding to one row can be in multiple
places, row cells already persisted are in Hfiles, recently updated cells are
in the MemStore, and recently read cells are in the Block cache. So when you
read a row, how does the system get the corresponding cells to return? A Read
merges Key Values from the block cache, MemStore, and HFiles in the following
First, the scanner looks
for the Row cells in the Block cache - the read cache. Recently Read Key Values
are cached here, and Least Recently Used are evicted when memory is needed.
Next, the scanner looks
in the MemStore, the write cache in memory containing the most recent writes.
If the scanner does not
find all of the row cells in the MemStore and Block Cache, then HBase will use
the Block Cache indexes and bloom filters to load HFiles into memory, which may
contain the target row cells.
Read Merge
discussed earlier, there may be many HFiles per MemStore, which means for a
read, multiple files may have to be examined, which can affect the performance.
This is called read amplification.
Minor Compaction
will automatically pick some smaller HFiles and rewrite them into fewer bigger
Hfiles. This process is called minor compaction. Minor compaction reduces the
number of storage files by rewriting smaller files into fewer but larger ones,
performing a merge sort.
Major Compaction
compaction merges and rewrites all the HFiles in a region to one HFile per
column family, and in the process, drops deleted or expired cells. This
improves read performance; however, since major compaction rewrites all of the
files, lots of disk I/O and network traffic might occur during the process. This
is called write amplification.
compactions can be scheduled to run automatically. Due to write amplification,
major compactions are usually scheduled for weekends or evenings. Note that
MapR-DB has made improvements and does not need to do compactions. A major
compaction also makes any data files that were remote, due to server failure or
load balancing, local to the region server.
= Contiguous Keys
do a quick review of regions:
A table can be divided
horizontally into one or more regions. A region contains a contiguous, sorted
range of rows between a start key and an end key
Each region is 1GB in
size (default)
A region of a table is
served to the client by a RegionServer
A region server can
serve about 1,000 regions (which may belong to the same table or different
there is one region per table. When a region grows too large, it splits into
two child regions. Both child regions, representing one-half of the original
region, are opened in parallel on the same Region server, and then the split is
reported to the HMaster. For load balancing reasons, the HMaster may schedule
for new regions to be moved off to other servers.
Load Balancing
happens initially on the same region server, but for load balancing reasons,
the HMaster may schedule for new regions to be moved off to other servers. This
results in the new Region server serving data from a remote HDFS node until a
major compaction moves the data files to the Regions server’s local node. HBase
data is local when it is written, but when a region is moved (for load
balancing or recovery), it is not local until major compaction.
Data Replication
writes and Reads are to/from the primary node. HDFS replicates the WAL and
HFile blocks. HFile block replication happens automatically. HBase relies on
HDFS to provide the data safety as it stores its files. When data is written in
HDFS, one copy is written locally, and then it is replicated to a secondary
node, and a third copy is written to a tertiary node.
Data Replication (2)
WAL file and the Hfiles are persisted on disk and replicated, so how does HBase
recover the MemStore updates not persisted to HFiles? See the next section for
the answer.
Crash Recovery
a RegionServer fails, Crashed Regions are unavailable until detection and
recovery steps have happened. Zookeeper will determine Node failure when it
loses region server heart beats. The HMaster will then be notified that the
Region Server has failed.
the HMaster detects that a region server has crashed, the HMaster reassigns the
regions from the crashed server to active Region servers. In order to recover
the crashed region server’s memstore edits that were not flushed to disk. The
HMaster splits the WAL belonging to the crashed region server into separate
files and stores these file in the new region servers’ data nodes. Each Region
Server then replays the WAL from the respective split WAL, to rebuild the
memstore for that region.
files contain a list of edits, with one edit representing a single put or
delete. Edits are written chronologically, so, for persistence, additions are
appended to the end of the WAL file that is stored on disk.
happens if there is a failure when the data is still in memory and not
persisted to an HFile? The WAL is replayed. Replaying a WAL is done by reading
the WAL, adding and sorting the contained edits to the current MemStore. At the
end, the MemStore is flush to write changes to an HFile.
HBase Architecture Benefits
provides the following benefits:
Strong consistency model
- When a write returns, all readers will see same value
Scales automatically
- Regions split when data grows too large
- Uses HDFS to spread and replicate data
Built-in recovery
- Using Write Ahead Log (similar to journaling on file system)
Integrated with Hadoop
- MapReduce on HBase is straightforward
HBase Has Problems Too…
Business continuity reliability:
- WAL replay slow
- Slow complex crash recovery
- Major Compaction I/O storms
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