Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hive Shell

Hive provides a default interface, where it allows users to run Hive commands. The CLI (Command Line Interface) is the default Hive shell service which allows users to work on Hive programs.

Creating a Database:

hive> create databse sampledb;

Listing Databases:


Using a Database:

hive> use sampledb;

Creating a Table:

The create table command allows the user to create a new table with user input attributes/columns
Row format delimited Fields terminated by ‘\t’ – This line informsHive that each column in the file is separated by a tab.

hive> Create table emp(empid int, empname string, empsal float)
        > row format delimited

        > fields terminated by ‘\t’ ;

List Tables:

The ‘show tables’ command displays the list of tables present in a particular database.

Hive> show Tables;

Describe Schema of the Table:

hive>DESCRIBE emp;

Load a File from the Local File System:

hive>load data local inpath<filename> into table emp;

Load File from HDFS:

hive>load data inpath<filename> into table<tablename>

Show Table Contents:

hive>select * from emp;

Alter Commands:


Adding New Columns to an Existing Table:

hive> alter table emp_1 add columns (DOB DATE);

Truncating a Table:

hive> truncate table emp_1;

Dropping a Database:

hive> drop databse sampledb;

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